As the pyramid continued to rumble, the walls shed layers upon layers of blinding dust.
When the blinding dust had settled a bit, the boy trembled at what he saw.
In April 1935, the blinding dust blew 24 hours a day for 22 days and nights.
Even their muzzle flashes couldn't be seen clearly hi the blinding dust.
In the summer sun, on a road covered with blinding dust, it was not a pleasant trip.
A cold thunder blasted down from above, a vertical hurricane that blew him flat and filled the air with stinging, blinding dust.
I whimpered, calling out into the blinding dust!
Seth squinted, to keep out the blinding dust.
A lanky figure emerged from the blinding dust, a long naginata slashing at Sulu's horse.
A cloud of blinding dust is rais'd around, Labors beneath their feet the trembling ground.