"But he doesn't get my blind allegiance."
Some scholars believe Trotsky was undone by his blind allegiance to the cause.
Or do you demand blind allegiance at all times?
Some officers conceded that blind allegiance in the name of trust is hypocritical and could even threaten their lives.
When zealots are prepared to commit suicide in blind allegiance to a violent cause, there are no easy answers.
Alaiyappan's blind allegiance is to the Zamindar.
I'm deeply worried by this blind allegiance to Cameron in other demographic groups, too.
He is the stranger who comes to lead us into temptation, the one who can give us everything we need in return for blind allegiance.
Should the United States therefore be obligated to pledge its blind allegiance to French foreign policy forever after?
Regrettably its blind allegiance is paradoxically damaging to Israel's cause.