Romania hasn't been a dictatorship since 1989, but it still suffers from appalling economic misery, a blighted industrial landscape, and massive government corruption.
And if there was anything stranger and more fantastic than that blighted landscape, it was seeing it bedecked with unexpected flowers.
They rumble across blighted industrial landscapes and through villages that have barely altered since the 19th century.
The blighted landscape and its empty violence, its loss of time, would provide its own motives.
Even as Mount Kola filled her vision, her eyes remained fixed on the blighted landscape.
Wally could feel Alice Havilland in the blighted urban landscape around him.
Zaphod glanced away from the mirror screens which presented a panoramic view of the blighted landscape on which the Heart of Gold had now landed.
In "The Pesthouse" it is not just a man and a woman, waifs who grow into mastery as they make a pilgrimage through blighted landscape.
Mr. Price himself grew up in the Bronx in the 1950's and 60's, in housing projects that were quite unlike the blighted landscapes he now portrays.
Reading about the newly formed American Majority Institute was like a small ray of light in a blighted landscape.