The most expensive educational toys are those that blend technology and learning, such as child-friendly "laptops."
Together we can blend technology and magic to build a perfect world!
The Paper Project is a fusion project that blends art, science, and technology into engaging 2D and 3D experiences.
Their production methods blend technology and ritual, in-part, because the ancient Orokin materials they use are inscrutable to them.
Internet and software companies have snagged some of Capitol Hill's best talent this year - former Congressional aides whose expertise blends technology and politics.
John Morse, President of Merriam-Webster, said that the word w00t was a good choice because it "blends whimsy and new technology".
He wants to blend technology with traditional methods, all for $4,300 per pupil a year - about the national average.
Online education is still in its infancy, and debates about the best way to blend pedagogy and technology abound.
Their works taught me the art of blending technology with aesthetics.