She blends characters, poetry, photography and music.
According to Klaus Van Den Berg, the "cinematic script blends poetry with social satire and realistic scenes with surreal ones".
Banville himself has admitted that he is "trying to blend poetry and fiction into some new form".
The group specialized in multi-media performance, blending poetry with music, art and dance.
Overall, she has stayed true to her style of blending rock and poetry.
Jesus Freak Hideout's David Goodman said "it's hard to blend lyrical poetry and musical experimentation into worship music; it just is.
It's a full-evening venture blending dance, video, poetry and music, and it shows how hip-hop forms can convey a complex story with seriousness and eloquence.
She is renowned for writing several books that blend stories, essays and poetry.
The Fall of America blends poetry, travel writing, personal experience, radio news broadcasts, popular songs, newspaper headlines, and journalistic observations, to give it a multilayered and spontaneous effect.
The second, called Raiss, is performed by smaller groups of professional musicians who blend dance, comedy, and sung poetry.