He studied the stage, noting where the level of light was too high or too low and where in one place, instead of blending imperceptibly into one another, you could see the overlapping circles of two spotlights.
In these locations, loudspeakers and live musicians blend seamlessly and imperceptibly into astoundingly lifelike sound.
Ah, the images fade, true memories blending imperceptibly into the knowledge of things that I could only have imagined, heard later from the lips of some other eyewitness, or reconstructed by logic.
Gospel preaching can blend imperceptibly into song, which is why so many gospel preachers are also singers (and vice versa, as with the Rev. Al Green).
Metaphysical conceptions easily pass into one another; and the simpler notions of antiquity, which we can only realize by an effort, imperceptibly blend with the more familiar theories of modern philosophers.
The overall histological picture is essentially identical to that of rheumatoid synovitis with the main differences being that the palisade replaces the synovial intima (they may blend imperceptibly in bursae) and an almost total absence of B lymphocytes.
The Age of Power blends into the Age of Transportation almost imperceptibly, but two events stand out as landmarks in the change: the achievement of cheap sun power and the installation of the first mechanized road.
It is almost impossible to separate the breeding aggregations of early spring from the preceding winter aggregation as the one blends imperceptibly into the other.
It is when ageist attitudes become part of the rules of institutions, govern the conduct of social life, and blend imperceptibly into everyday values and attitudes that they have a drastic effect on the way older people lead their lives.
Natural-looking makeup - a soft swirl of blusher, a lipstick so sheer that it barely stains the lips, a brown eye shadow that blends imperceptibly with the eyelid - is prevailing over bright, painstakingly applied shades.