A man finds himself wandering around a misty, bleak mountainous terrain.
The road unwound ahead of them, freshly carved from the bleak terrain and laid down in asphalt so new it looked like liquorice.
I'd seen contour maps of the area, which detailed numerous hiking trails through that bleak and mountainous terrain.
It was bleak, hostile terrain, dry and parched.
We have escaped the bleak volcanic terrain of Big Island's western side and are trekking through lush forest.
Mrs. Rhodes looked around again at the bleak, baking terrain.
The quinjet sped over increasingly bleak terrain, making a slight course change to the northwest.
The devastation of the forest weighed heavily on her spirit, and she found it difficult to look at the bleak terrain.
Crouched low so that he would not be silhouetted against the skyline, Bolan scanned the bleak terrain.
Three of the rockets curve wildly across the bleak terrain and detonate when they exhaust their fuel.