IN matters of institutionalized life and death, Florida and Texas share some bleak statistics.
That is why the cumulative effect of the bleak statistics in the report suggests a call to action on behalf of the nation's 12 million children under the age of 3.
But owners see hope behind the bleak statistics.
Staggering Unemployment The bleak statistics are easy to find.
The bleak statistics, compiled by the International Energy Agency (IEA), will prompt fears the world's drive to limit emissions and halt temperatures increases are likely to fail.
Despite today's bleak statistics, few economists think that Germany is at risk of tumbling back into a recession.
They gave such bleak statistics that we wrote off the information immediately.
Discussion of the measure was the only hopeful note amid the bleak statistics and pessimistic forecasts from speaker after speaker.
It is dedicated to countering some bleak statistics: according to the American Cancer Society, low-income patients with breast cancer have lower five-year survival rates than higher-income patients.
I dared not look at the markers that informed me of the next round of punishment with three bleak statistics - the gradient of the slope, the distance left, the altitude climbed.