There's little shade and it can get blazingly hot, so an early start is recommended.
Genetic changes have allowed animals to adapt to temperatures that range from blazingly hot to right around freezing.
My nasi gudeg (meaty jackfruit with rice, chicken and spices) and Carol's pepes tengiri (fish in banana leaf) were aromatic and blazingly hot.
Sony includes a tan leather cover with the Reader, but flashier covers are available, including a blazingly hot pink.
Then, of course, there is the blazingly hot issue of sexual harassment.
A long, multiple-rider breakaway was allowed to gain too much time on a blazingly hot (104 degrees) eighth stage as the race moved toward the Pyrenees.
He wears armor of blazingly hot iron and wields a flaming iron sword 15 feet in length.
It was a tight, unified place, blazingly hot in summer, protected in winter, and Cudjo quickly mastered the intricacies of working iron.
The air was clear, dry and blazingly hot.
The blazingly hot summer has been brutal on Europe, particularly its elderly, but it may leave a more positive legacy behind - vineyards are hauling in their most promising crop in years.