At any street corner we may meet a man who utters the frantic and blasphemous statement that he may be wrong.
A popular Iranian reformer, Abdullah Kouri, was sentenced to five years in prison and a five-year banishment from publishing for blasphemous statements, says the NYT .
In 2009, the cabinet issued a proposal to remove the "Blasphemy Paragraph", part of the criminal law that made blasphemous statements a criminal offense.
It was a blasphemous statement, and she knew it.
There are even those who have made a career of saying the most hurtful, blasphemous, and false statements about me, using terms for me that no person would ever want to be called.
The Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan has issued a fatwā asking the Muslim community to kill Pope Benedict for his "blasphemous statement" about Mohammad.
By submitting a comment you undertake to indemnify the FCO against any liability arising from breach of confidentiality or copyright, or any obscene, defamatory, seditious, blasphemous or other actionable statement you may make.
That is surely a particularly cynical and perhaps blasphemous statement, but it shows the sort of mentality that many of these people have.
Members of Atheist Ireland themselves did not make any potentially blasphemous statements after the law was passed and no prosecutions or charges were ever considered or brought by the authorities.
Caccini accused Galileo's followers of making blasphemous statements that questioned God's existence and the Church's declaration that miracles were acts performed by saints.