He turned on a phonograph, which began blaring forth the strains of a lively march.
From somewhere deep in the bowels of her a radio was blaring forth Eastern music.
The reported death of Edwin Berlett was blared forth by the journals.
Stronger Talent would have blared forth or been hidden behind shields.
From loudspeakers positioned at five places surrounding the Wartburg, music suddenly blared forth.
His voice was heavy, "When a caravan returns successful to the city, it blares forth news with trumpets.
As they stood in line with their trays in the cafeteria, the radio began to blare forth the latest news and weather reports.
Slender trumpets went to their lips, and a stirring fanfare blared forth.
Little Rock also held radios that blared forth the news, or part of the news of what had happened.
The first thrilling notes of the Detinan royal hymn blared forth.