Finally, it's too bad that the steps are different for each kind of source and each kind of blank DVD.
The camcorder could hold hours and hours of video, and you'd never have to buy another tape or specialized blank DVD.
It lets you dump your recordings onto regular blank DVDs for storage - and it can play them back in full high definition.
Instead you can feed it either of two kinds of blank DVD's.
This relatively unusual medium looks exactly like an ordinary blank DVD but costs more ($30 each).
But that blank DVD is something else to the film critic, particularly one versed in other marginal kinds of cinema.
Are you really going to back it up onto 68 blank DVDs?
They also (at least the major mfgrs) allow you to create a set of recovery discs from that partition using your own blank DVDs.
A graph of the blank DVD fills up as you select more shows to record onto it.
They use blank DVDs for many things, including coffee mugs.