The best Mortadella also includes pistachio nuts, the texture and flavour of which relieve an otherwise bland but pleasant meat.
We have him to thank, then, for an amazingly fine veal chop, a cut of meat that in 9 out of 10 restaurants, even the best ones, is merely expensive: enormous, bland and one-dimensional.
Kale has a mild, delicate flavor that goes very well with a bland meat like turkey.
Their deep, earthy taste goes with spring vegetables like asparagus, young peas and new potatoes, and is a perfect foil for bland meats like chicken or veal.
Those few not rejected as too hard for batting practice - skins tough as horsehide, meat bland and rubbery, cores the texture of tree bark, juice tasteless and insulting - are also useless as shot puts: even though you think they'll never die, they do rot after a couple of weeks.
In addition, more consumers are looking for quality meat, as opposed to cheap, bland meat product.
Most of the time, the mexican stuffed pepper is consigned to the humdrum part of the menu with the tacos and burritos, and often deservedly so: the typical chile relleno is a wilted pod filled with bland meat or a blob of jack cheese.
As a resource they were a virtual Sears-Roebuck catalog: fur for clothing, hides for tanning, fat for tallow, and a bland but edible meat.
He tried a bite of the bland meat as the major plowed back to the table with another full tray.
It is excellent with rather bland meats such as rabbit or chicken, and particularly good with the delicate taste of veal kidneys.