People blame capitalism, but the problem is the lack of capitalism in banking and finance- it's a rigged game.
It would not be fair to say that both books blame capitalism for bad food, animal cruelty and widespread human obesity, but they come close.
Personalism blamed liberal capitalism for the Great Depression and individualistic greed and exploitation, and disagreed with communism due to its opposition to spirituality.
It blamed capitalism "in its imperialist form", growth of armaments, secret diplomacy and expansionism as the cause of the war.
As the Industrial Revolution advanced, socialist critics blamed capitalism for the misery of the proletariat-a new class of urban factory workers who laboured under often-hazardous conditions.
He says he is still a capitalist - that he does not blame capitalism, because capitalism really never made it to Russia.
Among those who suspect the appetite has indeed changed, many round up the usual suspects: Critics blame the media, the media blame Hollywood, Hollywood blames capitalism and popular tastes.
I blame Thatcher and capitalism.
I feel sure someone will blame Thatcher and capitalism before too long.
Instead, they blame economics, parents, capitalism, racism, and anything else that can let the individual off the hook.