They think the current system is a mess, and they blame Washington for it.
Essentially, Japan does not want the yen to strengthen any further, and it blames Washington for much of its economic problems.
We shouldn't blame Washington or Albany for lack of funds.
The tax is designed to be so murky the public probably wouldn't blame Washington for pass-along effects.
The Governor has a point when he blames Washington and the Republican State Senate.
Officials in many states blame Washington for making their situation worse.
A recent critique of the Bush administration's space policy blamed Washington for alienating space allies with a "go it alone" philosophy.
After his day of watching, he spoke in a crowded church, blaming Washington --"the good white people on the hill."
Attendees at an American Library Association gathering blamed Washington for the empty chair.
Others blame Washington for not doing more to bring prosperity and democracy to the Arab world.