Mr. Esposito, 82 years old, had a malignant bladder tumor removed last month.
The bladder tumour was operated on successfully, and though Lavender has regular check-ups, doctors are confident the cancer will not return.
Thirty percent of bladder tumors probably result from occupational exposure in the workplace to carcinogens such as benzidine.
Since saccharin was then assumed to be safe, resulting bladder tumors were attributed to cyclamate, perhaps wrongly.
This metabolite is presumed to be involved in formation of bladder tumors.
This operation involved a patient who was suffering from an advanced bladder tumour that affected both ureters.
However, pioglitazone has subsequently been found to be associated with bladder tumors and has been withdrawn in some countries.
His re-investigations revealed a cluster of four new cases of bladder tumors in this group.
Be sure to talk to your doctor to understand what type of bladder tumor you have.
Viral particles are not produced in either alimentary tract or urinary bladder tumours.