With the new bill, the viewers will be able to receive the local stations, although there is a bigger blackout area for distant signals on satellite than cable.
Also, since it is outside of the team's local blackout area, it also airs all regular season games produced by NFL on Fox.
MLB relies on zip codes to determine its blackout areas.
The Police Department sent hundreds of extra officers into the blackout area, but early this morning there were no reports of looting or disturbances.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani toured the blackout area last night.
In northern Manhattan, residents in blackout areas were reaching the limits of their patience.
Lighting equipment, powered by portable, gasoline powered generators, was also deployed to the blackout area, the police said.
I WAS just outside the blackout area in August, but I may have been a victim nonetheless.
Though no final cost estimate was available, hundreds of additional police officers were deployed throughout the blackout area, which encompassed all of Manhattan north of 155th Street.
The extra week affects individuals and businesses in the blackout area or those whose tax records were not accessible because of the blackout.