A blackjack dealer says, "I don't know anything about him, but that man over there should be able to help you."
He snaps one out between forefinger and thumb like a blackjack dealer.
Sal, the blackjack dealer, remained at his post on the other side of the room.
"On a good night, it's not hard to get 50 customers losing $5,000 to $10,000 each," a blackjack dealer identified as Harry said.
"All my life I wanted to be a blackjack dealer," he said.
He rose quickly to the rank of blackjack dealer, but quit after two months.
Ms. Heller soon took on the role of the blackjack dealer.
Still she remembered what the blackjack dealer had said, and turned to Jake with a smile.
"They said, sure, we're looking for blackjack dealers, if you can pass the test."
He was still a blackjack dealer, see; that's where he made his money.