New cleaning products for black-powder guns have also been developed for this market.
Category 8 : Historical firearms ; firearms which have been designed before 1880 and black-powder guns.
Against black-powder guns, even replica models, his friends might stand a halfway decent chance.
Permits are not required for muzzle-loaded black-powder guns made before 1890 as long as they are not used.
More than half of the propellant used in firing a black-powder gun remains a solid during the combustion process.
BB guns and black-powder guns are all treated as modern firearms.
He was in his early sixties and, like many of the men in the area, was an enthusiast for antique black-powder guns.
Some other similar chemicals contain petro-chemicals which can pollute the environment if improperly handled, and can damage the 'seasoning' developed on the bore of a black-powder gun.
Specific seasons for bow hunting or muzzle-loading black-powder guns are often established to limit competition with hunters using more effective weapons.
"We even had black-powder guns," the lieutenant continued.