In 1976 he quit art school and moved to Florence, where he began a series of black-and-white paintings based on postcards and snapshots.
The black-and-white painting sold to an unidentified telephone bidder for $684,500, more than twice its high estimate of $300,000.
When his subject was struggle, as it was in the black-and-white paintings Lewis made during the 1960's civil rights movement, there is a pictorial edge.
In the final room hang crude black-and-white paintings and drawings of young men, some based on antique sculptures.
The 12 monumental black-and-white paintings and many preparatory drawings present his vision of contemporary London.
Traditionally, the market values Kline's colored paintings less highly than his black-and-white paintings.
So did Kline's "Sabro," a 1956 black-and-white abstract painting that has been on and off the market for years.
Big frameless black-and-white paintings hung on gray wool walls.
Two buyers were determined to have the black-and-white abstract painting, one of the best examples of Motherwell's most important series.
On one side of the pavilion hang five black-and-white paintings he made in 1992 for his "Blue Collar" series of imaginary urban landscapes.