During the early 60s, Wynn departed from black-and-white imagery and produced a major body of work that he referred to as "Color Light Abstractions".
The work also involved busy visual black-and-white imagery - stormy skies, gurgling water, abstract flickering shapes - by Irit Batsry, a video artist.
Almost without exception, World Burns to Death's aesthetic preference is for stark black-and-white imagery: t-shirts, posters, and record covers stick to this formula.
Digital photo manipulation software is used to create the stark black-and-white imagery, which bears resemblance to an Italian artistic method known as Fumetti.
In several instances artists have painted black-and-white imagery as an accessory to their main exhibits directly on the walls.
No one believes that black-and-white imagery is going to supplant color or account for anything more than a small part of popular culture's visual mix.
Much of the video interweaves black-and-white imagery of American landscapes with footage of Phillips jamming on the tour bus.
Both formats provide black-and-white imagery of surpassing beauty (light reflecting off the East River, raindrops trembling on the ladder of a fire escape).
In Black and White It seems a long time ago that black-and-white imagery ruled supreme in art photography.
The band is known for their black-and-white imagery, as seen throughout their music artwork and videos.