It can also hybridize with the native Salix nigra (black willow) in eastern North America.
A small coastal hammock and black willow swamp can also be found.
In the area around Green Lake there are forests of pecan, black willow, cedar, American elm, hackberry and green ash.
The lake is surrounded by cypress forests with the understory primarily red maple and black willow.
Other names occasionally used include fire willow, nuttall willow, mountain willow, and black willow.
Several herbal medications have been associated with aiding in pain relief, such as black willow, meadowsweet, passionflower, and valerian.
Other woody species in permanent or semi-permanent flooded areas include swamp privet, water elm, black willow and water locust.
Rolling bank and rolling trees, pin oak, American elm, pine, black willow, staining willow.
The woody canopy is a mix of eastern cottonwood or black willow.
There was a clearing there, cut off from the water by a stand of black willow, partly shaded by sycamores.