She used patterned black tulle over a pinky beige lining for empire and baby doll dresses with tops that exposed the shoulders.
A look both futuristic and modern appeared in white dresses with a veil of black tulle or shimmering pewter.
Those were followed by flower-embroidered black tulle, worn over silk cream camisoles with sleeveless gingham dresses beneath.
But why not skip the potions and pills, and tie black tulle bows on your wrist?
Ballerina skirts of black tulle barely conceal black lace panties.
The palette turned to black and the models began showing very short, flaring black tulle skirts propped with myriad petticoats.
"I only throw away furniture," Ms. Ward said, dressed in black tulle and five-inch black heels.
But the pieces de resistance were the last two numbers: flesh-toned bustiers atop doorway-filling skirts of ruffled black tulle.
Betsey Johnson, the designer, appeared at one gala wrapped in yards of black tulle with her black corset and slip showing through.
With a neckline of black tulle, the dress looks remarkably like this season's pink silk crepe, tulle-trimmed design by Blass.