Two sections of bleachers at Fenway are covered with black tarp during day games to give hitters a better background.
A few miles west of Pristina, there is still a "bridge" of logs and black tarp 100 yards from the main road.
There's not one thing in here that isn't fire retardant, from black tarps to costumes.
To protect the Cotton Bowl, they covered the surface with black tarps.
The weather turned cold, and a black tarp that had covered the tank, blocking out unwanted light, tore.
The ball landed on the black tarp at the foot of the big scoreboard, and the Expos had a 2-0 lead.
To address Tony's problem, these seats were first blocked off and covered in black tarp to provide a better hitter's background.
Behind the mansion, there was indeed a smallish swimming pool, covered for the winter by a huge black tarp.
A day later, it was covered by a black tarp, as the sad Sox packed up for the winter.
By now it's hid out back of some barn with a black tarp over it weighed down with old tires.