The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled ISUPK an "extremist" and "black supremacist" group.
The Great Change - A black supremacist and extremist in Haiti creates a bomb with magic and nuclear power gathered from an African country.
Whites eventually joined the fight against apartheid, leading many black supremacists to break away from the ANC.
Its critics accuse it of being black supremacist and antisemitic.
Some black supremacists justify supremacist assertions by assigning dubious properties to melanin based on pseudo-science and distortions of scientific fact or speculation.
Due to some commonly held separatist ideologies, some black supremacist organizations have found limited common cause with white supremacist or extremist organizations.
Four days after jury deliberations began, the trial of a black supremacist is at a virtual standstill.
He and the Nation of Islam were described as hatemongers, black supremacists, racists, violence-seekers, segregationists, and a threat to improved race relations.
American supremacists - white and black - touted the book (and still do) as "proof" that Jews are Asiatics and pretenders to the biblical legacy.
He was a black supremacist and eventually achieved a high level of success and furthered the Black cause in that region.