There was a long silence as I looked thoughtfully at the black, metal-studded strap around his neck.
He got it into its case, and began to buckle up a long black strap.
My fingers were trembling, so it took me longer than I wanted, but the thin black strap soon lay in the puddle of clothes.
The black straps that held the new knife down along my spine showed a little at the shoulders, but more across the back.
They were carrying what looked like very small machine guns on black straps that went over their shoulders.
She ran her hands over the spaces between the shiny black straps that criss-crossed his chest.
In addition to this bundle, people who pre-ordered the game also received a black, hairy strap.
Prior's head fell to the side as the woman fastened a black strap across his chest.
Only a fine webbing of black straps covered her back.
The absolutely plain, working man's guitar with its simple black strap.