Belle came out of the bathroom prancing on a pair of shiny black spikes.
She was wearing a scarlet pants suit over a white turtleneck sweater, black spikes on her feet.
She was also wearing three-inch black spikes, which may have added to the illusion of long legs.
He reached into a cardboard box and produced a wig with black spikes.
A white shaggy face, long and solemn, topped by small black spikes of horns, stared down at the people below.
The vision of the great black spike still came to her as she slept, but now it often seemed only a memory of the earlier dreams.
"That piece," she chose haphazard, "with the black spike sticking out from it."
Milo is purple with little black spikes of hair.
A stone wall topped with black wrought-iron spikes surrounded it all.
It has a feathered but slender, black spike on top of the head.