He peered through the falling ash across a dark landscape that looked as if it were blanketed in deep black snow.
Feathers by the thousands had settled like black snow over the rotting corpses of the soldiers.
Their scorched shapes floated on the warm wind and fell back upon the town like black snow.
Ash, like black snow, drifted down onto the body at her feet.
A thick drift of raven feathers covered everything, as if a black snow had fallen.
The flecks began to stream across Bobby's vision; the living room of the apartment suddenly filled with black snow.
No one could predict when the black snow would come to devastate an area; they just came out of nowhere.
There, they are forced to lie in a kind of slush, made by freezing rain, black snow, and hail.
He dreams about black snow and weeps a lot, one time for 45 minutes straight at the sight of puppies on television.
It was like a huge snowstorm but with black snow.