She was wearing a shapeless black smock of some kind, and there was a faded blue rag wrapped around her head.
She wore an embroidered black smock over faded jeans and sandals.
Black slacks, a long black smock, no makeup.
"I'll have the mock duck à l'orange," Stella said to the woman in the black smock.
The customers get to wear black monogrammed smocks and drink their fill of coffee, tea or ice water with a twist of lemon.
He wore a black smock like all the rest.
You did not see them again except as sport clothes, odd-looking at a table among the closely packed peasants in black smocks.
She wore a tattered black smock, and a circlet of wilted clover hung from her head fin.
It could not have been more than three or four, and was dressed in a filthy black smock.
The men in black smocks looked around and decided that it was O.K. to begin shaving.