That seems unlikely, although among critics of the N.A.A.C.P. policy are black nationalists and black separatists.
And, unlike black separatists, the Panthers sought alliances with radical whites.
During Hayes' administration, controversy arose between black separatists and accommodationists over the future of the school.
"We love Bill," the crowd chanted, drowning out calls of "Slave master" and "Go home" from a group of black separatists and other foes of gentrification.
The Imams screen out chaplains with political agendas, like that of the black separatists who support Louis Farrakhan, Imam Muhammed said.
Hart proposed a three-way division with one part for white separatists, one part for black separatists, and one part left as multiracial nation.
Some individual mainstream black separatists supported anti-segregationists and integrationists within the African American community.
Among the strongest arguments made by black separatists is that they are held to a higher standard of public accountability than white bigots.
Crouch gleefully exposes the pipe dreams of Afrocentrists and black separatists; he merrily knocks around white-bashers along with white breast-beaters.