That noise is not just the sound of boom boxes blaring out rap on American city streets but angry, organized black separatism.
Not all Black Power advocates were in favor of black nationalism and black separatism.
Most would reject the ideas of black separatism.
Many of the mosque's members embraced Islam in search of black empowerment, not black separatism.
Anderson and Stewart add, moreover, that in general "modern black separatism is difficult to define because of its similarity to black nationalism."
Indeed, black separatism's specific goals were historically in flux and varied from group to group.
When black separatism threatened integration attempts in the late 60s, these three white producers staged some of the first black militant plays.
But it has a sharper political bite, cheerfully arguing for black separatism and the right of abused wives to take vengeance into their own hands.
Which of the following had integration rather than black separatism as a goal?
Indeed, some see Cruse as a crucial figure in the shift away from integration and toward black separatism.