What I know is that modern black pop, especially hip-hop, has very little in it that reflects my culture.
All of pop, black and white, whether it be country music or hip-hop, is parochial.
But between 1945 and 1950, their music both summed up what had happened in black pop and shaped its future.
No concert series is more devoted to the idea of groovy diversity in black pop.
Even today's black pop, 40 or 50 years after the fact, owes much of its upward mobility to Cole.
There were always separate markets for country music and black pop.
The show's patronizing attitude toward black pop is matched by its view of women.
Of course, romance is nothing new in black pop.
The result is a surprisingly cohesive album of black pop.
For a moment, it was distinct, pumping up black pop enough so it could compete with rap and house music on the dance floor.