The style he chose even suggests that lightness: simply elegant black oxfords, the uppers made from one piece of French calfskin.
Wright frowned and rocked back on the heels of his black oxfords.
Finley tiptoed through the barnyard ooze, complaining about its effects on his shiny black oxfords.
He wears a dark pin-striped suit, gleaming black oxfords and a sedate silk tie.
The suit hung loosely, trousers bagging over dull black oxfords.
He was still dressed in street clothes - white shirt, black slacks, black oxfords and yarmulke.
Crouching deep under, in the faintly dusty dark, she watched his black oxfords move past the bed, heard him drop his keys on the dresser.
Well-dressed in a blue Western blazer, white shirt, striped tie, gray slacks, and black oxfords.
A pair of black oxfords were on the floor, and next to them was Jensen's suitcase.
He sat in his own chair, leaning back with his polished black oxfords atop the desk.