Or they started with yellow leather decorated with multitudinous surface slashes and converted it into sheared black mink.
Short coats have portrait collars and deep cuffs of sable, chinchilla or black mink.
Two throws of black mink lay folded neatly on the floor beside the chair to warm the prince when he sat up late, reading or thinking.
As she was thinking, she toyed with her long black cloak, a lovely thing of velvet lined with black mink.
Eliza tried not to gawk at her coat, a luxurious black mink with a broad hood.
These expensive young women wore anything from jogging outfits or anoraks with skin-tight black pants to ankle-length black mink.
It would have been a swell setting for a lonely lady swathed in black mink, to sip a frosted martini.
His hair was mink black, in a pony tail.
They were followed by graphic striped styles in black and white and red and white mink.
"They take care of you," explained his wife, Cheryle, who, enveloped in a full-length black mink, seemed to know what she was talking about.