Simultaneously, he turned a large black knob on the console in front of him, putting the trainer into a sharp left turn.
How many black knobs to the end of the wall - to the first houses of the village?
In the shivering black knob of the stick shift.
The head is an orange conical structure, but on its tail are two large raised black knobs.
He looked up toward the star Rocks, black knobs against the lighter sky, and saw the giant silhouette of the watch dragon.
The male is much larger than the female, and has a large black knob on the bill.
She followed his hand as he began to turn the black knob.
He was adjusting black knobs on the enlarger, preparing to make a print.
Blade promptly did so, adjusting the black knob on the binoculars until he could see the approaching band clearly.
The dull red door, the corroded black knob, the filthy ground floor window.