Significantly, the number of black and Hispanic households below the poverty line decreased.
In 2000 the average white family was earning six times more than the average black household.
In many black households, there is no male present to take the kids to games and get them interested.
The 35 percent of black households that didn't have one, compared with just 15 percent among whites.
Officials say they have resettled about 210,000 poor black households since 2000.
But black households have recovered only the ground lost since 1983, when the rate was 45.6 percent.
Home ownership has risen to a record 46.9 percent of black households from 42 percent in 1992.
We are the No. 1 show in black households.
Twenty percent of black households now have a higher income than the average for white households.
Poverty rates have dipped below 30 percent of black households for the first time in the country's history.