A black hearse was backed up down there.
A black hearse pulled around the corner and parked in front of the hotel.
A gray and black hearse brought the empty coffin to the apartment's service entrance.
A few hours later a long black hearse pulls up in front of the hotel.
A black hearse parked in the courtyard then took his body to a mortuary.
The lot was empty now except for one other vehicle, parked in the corner- a shiny black hearse.
Even so, the usual shouting had erupted when the black hearse that would carry out the corpse arrived.
However, the lights went out again and Vampiro had also disappeared until it was revealed that he escaped in a black hearse.
After that, a black hearse and a half-dozen cars wound through Queens to the cemetery.
Finally, at 9:40, a black hearse pulled up in front of the church.