Whites, for example, rated the present at 6.16, while blacks gave it a 5.43.
"I've been told blacks give our money to other things: churches, black colleges, fraternal organizations," she said.
The blacks gave back sullenly before her advance, and suddenly, from the devil-devil house came a lean black figure.
But blacks are no longer giving Mr. Bush the benefit of the doubt.
Fearlessly they walked around the end of the hut; and the blacks gave way fearfully, opening a path before them.
They finally started rolling about the time the cold black of night was giving way to the early shadows of morning.
They called the blacks equals, and gave them access to the courts in suit against white landowners.
Women, blacks, Democrats and union members all gave Mrs. Clinton a large share of their votes.
They note, too, that blacks traditionally give to schools and churches before the arts.