It is now nearly 70 years hence, and blacks still form the greater part of Harlem.
The dramas can be so much better at recognizing that blacks and whites do often work together and form all sorts of relationships.
Denied entry into the regular state militia, armed blacks formed militias of their own.
In the 19th century, blacks formed fraternal organizations across the South and the North, including an increasing number of women's clubs.
His district was changed from one with less than a 10 percent minority vote, to one in which blacks and Hispanics would form 48 percent.
Percentage computations based on Paton's figures show that in 1948 blacks formed approximately 59 percent of a total population of about 11 million.
It was recognized that blacks had formed their labor organizations and were actively engaged in strikes, especially in the South.
The blacks formed a wall in front of us and refused to let us pass.
The blacks formed round them in a hollow square, to keep off the people.
Ever since, blacks have formed a big portion of the city's population.