Mr. Mfume said he, too, had often said that blacks now face many challenges that are beyond the scope of the law.
They argue that blacks have traditionally faced fiercer barriers to advancement than other ethnic groups.
Given the discouragement blacks have faced, the current crop is something of a miracle.
Then a department official, T. M. Smith, was quoted as having said the blacks did not really face removal.
For robbery, blacks face a 51 percent victimization rate, while the rate for whites is 27 percent.
They believed blacks would face better chances for full lives in Africa than in the U.S.
It said blacks and other minorities had lower living standards and less reliable access to health care and faced discrimination in the workplace.
Jews and blacks faced exclusion from many vacation places and began to establish their own.
Following the end of slavery, American blacks faced tremendous obstacles in their attempt to join the mainstream of society.
But blacks also face a second, and more fundamental, problem.