He constantly hoped, like old Micah, that blacks and Afrikaners alike would escape their wretchedness.
By 1940, 40,000 blacks had left Florida to find employment, but also to escape the oppression of segregation, violence, and disfranchisement.
Churches provided sanctuary to help blacks escape slavery and draftees avoid serving in the Vietnam War.
This middle group was shocked when people actually living in the South, like the Paxmores, spoke against slavery and rejoiced when blacks escaped.
Fair-skinned blacks escaped the penalties of race by moving to places where no one knew them and taking up lives among the white folk.
The very fact that some blacks have escaped the ghettos makes it more difficult for many whites to understand why those they left behind seem aggressively apathetic or violently antisocial.
Yet even as many blacks escape, they leave behind an ever-harsher distillation of poor people, now lacking role models and support.
A slave ship was wrecked off this coast a year ago, and the blacks escaped and took to the jungle.
And the blacks who went north early in the 20th century were escaping Southern prejudice and Jim Crow laws.
The Union Army protected and helped the slaves and free blacks escape to Washington D.C.