Graglia became controversial when he made a speech on UT campus in 1997 in which he noted that "blacks and Mexican-Americans can't compete academically with whites."
Both the new immigrants and blacks competed with contemporary working class groups for housing and jobs.
Robinson not only proved that blacks could compete in the major leagues, but that they also could be invaluable.
With blacks constituting 30 million of South Africa's 40 million people, it was not just a matter of letting blacks live next door and compete for job promotions.
Many blacks have competed in the Olympics for the United States as push athletes, but none have held the coveted pilot position.
In integrated situations in which blacks must compete with whites who may be better prepared, these explanations may quickly wear thin and expose the individual to racial as well as personal self-doubt.
First the changes were ad hoc dispensations that overlooked certain laws, so that blacks and whites could compete together or against each other in government-approved fixtures.
Ailey - and later Arthur Mitchell and his Dance Theater of Harlem - proved that blacks could indeed compete in the dance marketplace.
For anyone to introduce these divisive notions just because whites, Latins and blacks are competing at various positions does a great disservice to the team.
This special status began to dry up just before the Civil War and evaporated when slavery ended and free blacks competed with whites for jobs and political power.