Common carp and black bullheads are also present.
The black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) is a species of bullhead catfish.
It can be distinguished from a flathead in that the black bullhead's lower lip does not protrude past the upper lip.
Also, the brown bullhead will generally have 21 to 24 soft rays through its anal fin as opposed to the black bullhead's 17 to 21.
During the winter, black bullheads will decrease food intake, and may stop eating all together.
Considered rough fish, black bullheads are seldom caught for sport.
Naturally propagating warm water species include largemouth bass, channel catfish, black bullhead, bluegill and green sunfish.
Bluegill and black bullhead have also been recorded.
And, again in fresh water, there are no fly-fishing entries for black, yellow and brown bullheads.
The lake also supports populations of Northern pike, black bullheads, and common carp.