The walls were red and black brick to the height of a man's waist.
Quickly he moved to the other three corners in turn; three more black bricks sank into the wall.
Above, the stainless steel has only a few dents, and the black brick looks as if it might be 10 years old rather than 60.
The main chamber is rectangular and made of black brick.
Which, as he came up the Euphrates, loomed like a black brick.
The station was built of white brick with details in red and black brick.
Many have black bricks, but black is really a million different colors.
The darkness ahead was almost tangible, as if built of black bricks just beyond her hand.
He gripped one of the black bricks, bringing it up to the light.
The present building was erected in 1711 of red and black brick believed to have been brought from England.