"Yet Jewish leaders don't repudiate things that interfere with black aspirations."
If her killers thought she was an enemy of black aspirations in South Africa, they could not have made a bigger mistake.
Whether negotiation can bridge the gap between black aspirations and white desire for assurances about the future is not so clear.
But the reforms, and the talk of meeting black political aspirations, alarm a good many whites.
In his autobiography, Douglass is clear enough about black aspirations in wartime and during Reconstruction.
Sugar Hill remains a focus of black aspiration despite social problems like drug-dealing, litter and graffiti that have seeped in over the years, residents say.
Parts of that community would like to see a more rapid accomodation of black aspirations.
Rivals Banned in 1960 But those represent one strain, though probably the largest, of black political aspirations.
It hardly offers the kind of insights into black aspirations that Mr. de Klerk needs.
The white minority Government, in brutally suppressing black aspirations for so many years, failed to set an example of political tolerance.