The wedding was a tasteful black and white affair that wowed those who attended.
We go to black affairs and see no whites.
In addition to providing research material, the Schomburg center also presents a variety of forums on black affairs and exhibitions.
She was dressed to go out except for her hat, a small black affair that swung from her free hand.
But if multiple choice is a black and white affair, writing the essay has opened the door to a much grayer world.
The Ixian mask was a black, gauzy affair which concealed the face from the forehead to below the chin.
He handed her up into the carriage, a sleek black affair with the ducal crest of his family in gold on the door.
The ident used with the look was a black white and grey affair.
This will be a silver and black affair, a Raiders Nation day, a mission accomplished by a veteran and worthy team.
It was a simple black affair that Finlay had given her, with just a few buttons and fasteners.