She had a 77 black Mustang, all beat up it were, too.
But the mysterious, dark-haired woman in her black Mustang certainly did.
This one doesn't have a horse; he has a silver Chevy Impala, and a black Mustang, too.
Two gunmen in the black Mustang quickly killed them both.
There's a black Mustang parked at the curb.
He saw Zach's black Mustang in the yard, wheels cutting deep swaths through the unmowed grass.
Eddy saw the black Mustang in the driveway, and her heart leapt.
Tannim let his mentor make the explanations; he was too busy watching for that black Mustang.
Most of the boys walked to school, and Baba's black Mustang drew more than one envious look.
A jeep was parked in the driveway and that looked all wrong: Baba's black Mustang belonged there.