A 1999 black Mercedes-Benz convertible formerly owned by Ruth Madoff sold for $30,000.
Trooper Kepenis saw the motorist driving a black 2002 Mercedes-Benz "in an unsafe manner" and pulled the car over, the police said.
Mr. Pirro, 59, was headed north on Interstate 95 in a 1995 black Mercedes-Benz, according to the ticket.
He was accompanied in his black Mercedes-Benz by three men: an investment adviser, a personal assistant, and a third of unknown identity.
Louise never drives himself, but has Gallacher chauffeur his black Mercedes-Benz.
About twenty-five years old and driving a new black Mercedes-Benz with a lot of antennas on it.
A black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove up the ramp, turned the corner, and went up to the next level.
He is frequently seen arriving or departing in his black Mercedes-Benz.
Hurley magnifies the image to reveal the figures of two men exiting a black Mercedes-Benz.
The black Mercedes-Benz she chose seemed to suit her just fine.