A month went by, he supplied all the information they asked for, including Toad's bizarre request, and they had him start work at Langley last week.
It stars Jon Favreau as a struggling actor with a bizarre request from his neighbor to deliver a suitcase that he cannot open.
Her tone suggested that this was the most bizarre request he could have made.
What he has not been trained for, he said, are the bizarre requests that people sometimes make.
I have a bizarre request.
Her bizarre request arrived a few days after the artist's death, in 1987.
"That is such a bizarre request I have to agree to do it."
Soon after their arrival, the beautiful Toyatama-hime made a bizarre request concerning her shapeshifting into a wani.
"I told him it was a bizarre request but even if I wanted to there were only a few weeks left and that was not enough time."
His parents were so thrown by this bizarre request that they acquiesced.