There was a bizarre noise from the Klingon on the viewscreen, and Picard, at first, thought the commander was dying.
But then the atmosphere's riven by a series of bizarre whizzing noises.
To this end, the Globolinks are accompanied by bizarre electronic noises and can only be stopped by real, live music, such as Emily's violin.
A quarter of the Natives ghosted into the woods, whence the chief heard sawing and banging and bizarre grinding noises.
The bizarre noises momentarily gained national attention and were reported in the New York Times in April, 1992.
While filming in the house, the sound technician Sooma is startled by a bizarre noise, supposedly coming from Kyoko's microphone.
The video continues playing until the part where Sooma heard the bizarre noise, and Kyoko is seen transforming into a woman with long dark hair.
The worshipers before him replied with the same bizarre noises.
Many believers say they have never seen the creature, but have heard bizarre noises in the woods that were nothing like the sounds made by any known animal.
Jim heard Rihaul sit down with the usual bizarre noise in her bowl chair, and had to repress a laugh again.